Insights and Resources

How hedge funds achieve alignment with investors

ARTICLE | March 22, 2023

Authored by RSM US LLP

Report shows how the proactive efforts of investment fund managers to align with those of their investors are arguably the most attractive aspect of their offering.

The most successful fund managers are those that are most in sync with their clients’ demands; the core of this ethos is demonstrated by the increasingly large amount of capital that these fund managers have in their own firm’s success.  Not only principals but other key staff are also expected to have their capital in the fund as a way of demonstrating to their firm and underlying investors that they are committed to the mission.

The Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA), in partnership with RSM International, has published new research into these evolving relationships of fund managers and their investors to investigate to what extent they align interests for mutual benefit in their new report, ‘In Sync: How hedge funds achieve alignment with investors to foster long-term strategic partnerships.’ Key themes include:

Aligning interests: The fundamentals

The modern fee model

Innovating to maintain alignment

ESG: Adapting to the changing landscape

To find out more about how fund managers are adapting their business model in response to competition and the evolving mandates of investors and competition, download the full report.

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Source: RSM US LLP.
Reprinted with permission from RSM US LLP.
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