Insights and Resources

RSM + Microsoft for life sciences: A deep dive into digital transformation

ARTICLE | June 27, 2024

Authored by RSM US LLP

Event overview

Register for RSM US LLP’s Microsoft for Life Sciences webcast series to uncover innovative ERP solutions, dive into digital excellence with Microsoft, explore the financial impact of digital transformation and gain insights into the industry.

Learn more about each session

Empowering life sciences with quality and compliance

From RSM powered by Merit Solutions

June 27, 2024, 2 p.m. ET

Join us for the first session of an insightful webcast series presented by RSM’s Microsoft for life sciences in collaboration with Merit Solutions. This series will showcase RSM’s innovative enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions tailored for middle market life sciences companies. Learn how our solutions can streamline your operations, help ensure compliance and drive growth in the ever-evolving life sciences landscape.

Key topics

  • Quality and compliance: Understand the importance of maintaining quality and compliance in the life sciences industry and how RSM’s D365 ERP solutions can help you achieve and maintain these standards.
  • GxP compliance: Computer system validation (CSV): Dive into the world of CSV and discover how it can help ensure the accuracy and integrity of your data, a critical function in the life sciences industry.
  • Process evaluation: Learn about RSM’s unique approach to process evaluation that can help identify bottlenecks, improve efficiency and drive operational excellence.
  • Q&A with Bill Burke: Engage in a live Q&A session with Bill Burke, the CEO of Merit Solutions, an RSM service collaborator. This is a unique opportunity to get your questions answered by a leader in the industry.
  • Demos: Experience our D365 ERP solutions firsthand through live demos to gain a practical understanding of how they can transform your business operations.
  • Q/A session: Live Q/A Session with RSM’s leaders and specialists in the industry


  • Ron Wetter | Director | RSM US
  • Bill Burke | CEO | Merit Solutions

RSM + Microsoft: A new era of digital excellence in life sciences

Navigating the digital landscape: Insights from RSM and Microsoft

July 25, 2024, 2 p.m. ET 

This session will focus on the power of Microsoft’s solutions in the life sciences industry. Discover how our digital road map can guide your organization toward digital transformation and operational excellence.

Key topics

  • Digital road map: Learn about RSM’s strategic digital road map designed to help life sciences companies navigate the complexities of digital transformation with Microsoft’s solutions.
  • RSM overview: Get an overview of RSM’s experience implementing Microsoft’s solutions in the life sciences industry and how we can help your organization achieve its goals.
  • Benefits of implementing Microsoft’s Technology: Understand the unique advantages of implementing Microsoft’s solutions in your organization, from enhancing operational efficiency to driving innovation.
  • Implementation process demo: Witness a live demo of RSM’s implementation process to understand how we bring Microsoft’s solutions to life in your organization.
  • Life sciences life-cycle stages: Explore how RSM’s Microsoft’s solutions can support your organization at every stage of the life sciences life cycle, from research and development to manufacturing and distribution.
  • Q/A session: Live Q/A Session with RSM’s leaders and specialists in the industry

RSM + Microsoft: Unveiling the financial impact of digital transformation in life sciences

The financial advantages of Microsoft solutions with RSM

Aug. 22, 2024, 2 p.m. ET

This session will focus on the financial impact of digital transformation in the life sciences industry, delving into key performance indicators (KPIs) that measure the success and effectiveness of digital initiatives.

Key topics

  • Cost-benefit analysis: Understand the financial impact of implementing Microsoft Solutions, including savings, initial investment, operational costs and return on investment.
  • Strategic planning: Learn how to strategically plan your digital transformation journey with Microsoft Solutions and RSM to maximize financial gains.
  • Technology implementation impact: Learn about the critical technologies that enable digital transformation, including Automation, Copilot, AI Builder and Pivot for KPIs, that are part of Microsoft’s Power Platform. Implementing these technologies can help you measure the success of your digital transformation journey.
  • Revenue contract management: Explore how RSM’s unique D365 solution can simplify revenue contract management, including gross-to-net government reporting, providing you with greater control and compliance throughout your financial operations.
  • Q/A session: Live Q/A Session with RSM’s leaders and specialists in the industry

Digital transformation with RSM: Insights and case studies

Real-world insights into life sciences digital transformation

Sept. 25, 2024, 2 p.m. ET

This session will bring together industry leaders to share their insights and experiences in implementing digital solutions in the life sciences sector. We will also delve into real-world case studies that demonstrate the transformative power of RSM and Microsoft’s ERP solutions.

Key topics

  • Insights: Hear from industry specialists as they share their insights and experiences in navigating the digital transformation journey in the life sciences industry.
  • Case studies: Explore real-world examples that showcase the impact and benefits of implementing RSM’s ERP solutions in various life sciences companies.
  • Q/A session: Live Q/A Session with RSM’s leaders and specialists in the industry 


  • Ron Wetter | Director | RSM US

Event details

  • Date and time
  • Thu, Jun 27, 2024
  • 2 p.m. ET | 1 p.m. CT
  • Duration
  • 60 minutes
  • CPE credits
  • None
  • Fee
  • Complimentary

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Source: RSM US LLP.
Reprinted with permission from RSM US LLP.
© 2024 RSM US LLP. All rights reserved.

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